
Our Class Page is the perfect place to be for added practice and carry over!

Browse through the resources to incorporate extra practice at home!   

Visit the link page for lots of online games and resources! 


Grade level vocab words! Practice describing, defining and using them in sentences! 

Fluency Finds

Pacing boards, stuttering facts

pacing boards.pdf pacing boards.pdf
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Type : pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In the speech department, we will try our hardest to pull your student from the least restrictive time slot,. It will never be during reading or math unless we are going into the class at that time! 
  • Each child is unique, therefore the rate at which they will master their goals will also be unique to them! Keeping up the home practice to ensure carryover of goals  is crucial! 
  • Your child's IEP is reviewed annually. Keep a look out in their backpack for your PPN, or notice of when your meeting will be! 
  • Still have questions? Contact me anytime at nicolefarruggia@gmail.com 

Mrs. Nikki


Helpful School Information 

IEP Basics

  • What Is an IEP?
    • An IEP (Individual Education Plan) is a legal document which provides services and accommodations for students. 
  • How often does it need to be renewed?
    • IEP's are reviewed at least once in a calendar year.
  • Do I need to attend in person?
    • Nope! We understand sometimes it's impossible for parents/guardians to make it to school during the school day. Feel free to ask to participate by phone, or to have the meeting proceed without you and new copies of the plan will be sent home.
  • If my child is evaluated does that mean they automatically have an IEP?
    • Nope! Even if your child is found eligible for a specific program, placement is ALWAYS a team decision, and you are the most crucial member of our team! 
  • Do I need to wait until my plan is due to schedule a meeting?
    • Nope! If you have some concerns, or just need some items revised, please feel free to call our ESE contact, Ken Warren, any time to schedule a meeting at your request!
© Copyright Mrs. Nikki's Speech & Language Class